EPIGENETICS. What is EPIGENETICS and how to harness this power in life and leadership
Hi there,
Over the last few years, the world has been turned upside down. We can blame this all on the COVID-19 pandemic, but it will not all be true.
Genetic shift
On a deep, fundamental level, a genetic shift is taking place. Our DNA success-blueprint.[1] or genetic code is undergoing an upgrade. This means that new levels of health, wealth, happiness, and success are emerging. It is all new and like nothing, we have experienced before.
Humanity is experiencing a leap to authenticity. A new future is here. It is a new dawn - a new day.

Growing awareness
Initially, very few people were conscious of the powerful force of the emerging of our new DNA success-blueprint or genetic code, and all it entails. [i]. Now, not only is there a growing awareness of the new power forces at work, but people are also asking new questions.
Some of these questions are,’ what is Epigenetics[ii]? How does it influence me personally, our lives in general but also our leadership positions?’ The aim of this article is to provide answers to these questions.
However, first some background for our first-time readers and those who would like some catching up. First about myself and how I came about this cutting-edge mind-blowing information.
Although I have a strong academic background with a B.Sc, degree in medical sciences, a honours and masters degree in Adult Education, a Ph.D. in Psychology and lectured at various leading universities, it was an accident that left me paralysed on the right side, that opened my eyes to the truth about what true success, quality living, and happiness, were all about.
It was as if my eyes had opened. I not only gained more clarity, but a deeper understanding of life, quality living, and even leadership, grew during the eleven months I was pinned to my bed and had to learn to walk again. I had the time to read every healing, inspirational, spiritual, self-help, and leadership book I could find. I also studied the results of the Human Genome Project.
The Human Genome Project

Our DNA holds the keys and codes of who we are. The Human Genome Project[iii] (HGP) was one of the great feats of human exploration in history. The HGP was an inward voyage of discovery led by an international team of researchers looking to sequence and map all the genes - together known as the genome - of members of our species, Homo sapiens.
The HGP gave us the ability, for the first time, to read nature's complete genetic blueprint for building a human being. For the first time, we could begin to fathom the intention of Creation with humanity. We now know that we have an original, authentic DNA blueprint[iv]. This is our authentic self[v], that holds the keys and codes to our health, wealth, happiness, success, and prosperity. We also found the truth about success.
Three flagship books[vi]that cover the most important topics and contain all the necessary information about this journey of discovery, include:
New Success DNA. What is it and how to develop it
Power Intelligence. Mastering your Miracle Mind
New Leadership DNA. Developing enlightened leaders.
The truth about success
In a previous article, we also uncovered the truth about success. We learnt that success is all about becoming fully functional. At the pinnacle of real, authentic, success - we will have developed the ability to co-create with Creation. This means that we must not only become conscious of our DNA blueprint and original genetic code but that we also need to learn how to recover all this power and potential and put it to good use.
It is our responsibility to recover our DNA success-blueprint and create a quality future for ourselves and generations to come. This is our personal and collective purpose and responsibility.
Ultimate success

We also found that ‘ultimate success’ is the ability to get connected, create, and co-create with others while accessing all that we want, need, and desire from the universal storeroom. We found that synchronicity, chance, coincidences, manifestation, and even miracles, become. part of everyday life. There is no lack. The new ladder of success also looks totally different from our old perspective. Our new success ladder - is a DNA ladder.
Debunking the shadow ego-self
This debunks the notion of the shadow ego-self that success is all about acquiring power, positions, possessions, and status. Remember, the shadow ego-self is that part of self that became disconnected from the original DNA blueprint and created a delusional reality of lies, deceit, negativity, corruption, and destruction.
The shadow ego-self is not only addicted to negativity but also gains pleasure, even power, out of sabotage. This includes sabotaging self but especially sabotaging others.
There is a constant battle going on between the authentic self and shadow ego-self. The authentic self leads to health, wealth, and happiness while the shadow ego-self leads to delusion and destruction. The side that makes the final life-defining decisions, determines the quality of your life.

Self-coaching is the ability to be able to distinguish between the two sides of self while mindfully and consciously overcoming the influence of the shadow ego-self. In the process, the real-me authentic self influences the decision-making process in the direction of ultimate success. Currently, we are aiming for total self-mastery.
Free will and intelligence
Self-coaching is all about allowing the wiser, enlightened part of self, the real-me, authentic self. to take control, give guidance, and show the way. This part of self is also connected to the universal matrix, creation, the Creator – to God. We e also have an inner GPS. With everything else, we are also gifted free will – intelligence[vii]. This is the ability to choose.
Personal responsibility
We can decide in what direction we want to go. We also need to take ownership of and accept responsibility for our choices and the outcome thereof. The quality of our lives is therefore a choice. It is also our responsibility. Everything has already been given to us to lead a fully functional life of ultimate success. For more info, see the books on authentic living and leading, now available as a series.

It's easy - it's our natural state
The path back to authentic living and leading is easy. It is our natural state. Once you get to this level of understanding, you also realise that the worst is over. It can only get better from here on. All we need is a new mindset and the right skills and tools.
In the process, we can influence others, especially those who are near and dear to us, to make the shift as well. We can even do this without saying and word. It is called – Epigenetics[viii]. An important new skill is the ability to harness the power of Epigenetics.
The questions once again are, what is Epigenetics? How does it influence our lives? How does it influence leadership?
What is Epigenetics?
Epigenetics[ix] is the study of how our behaviour and environment can cause changes that affect the way our genes work. Unlike genetic changes, epigenetic changes are reversible and do not change your DNA sequence. They can change how your body reads a DNA sequence.
This means that the expression of our original DNA blueprint is not static. It is dynamic and can change as we change, grow, learn, develop, and mature. At the same time, we now know that we have free will, we can choose in what direction our DNA power and potential will unfold. We can decide if our full DNA success blueprint and all the genetic codes of power and potential already gifted us, will be utilised, and expressed - or not.
Changing our DNA expression.
Epigenetics means that our DNA blueprint expression can be changed by changing our physical, mental, emotional, and moral/spiritual programming[9]. Once we change our own programming, it spills over and influences others as well. The reason is that on a DNA level, everything is connected to everything else. This is where Epigenetics comes in. Let's use the example of a school of fish for more clarity.
Electromagnetic communication and genetic barcode
A school of fish functions as one unity, although it consists of thousands of individual fish.
If one fish, in the school of fish changes direction, it will reverberate through the whole school of fish. The whole school changes direction.

At the same time, if one fish mutates, migrates, and/or changes for the better, it reverberates through the school of fish, as well. The whole school of fish can then mutate and change for the better. This means that the whole school of fish undergoes an upgrade, just because of the work of just one of its members. They all then function on a new wavelength, a new frequency.
They can even develop a whole new genetic barcode.
The same applies to humanity. [x]. A barcode is used as an identification method. It can open and close doors.
Genetic barcode

DNA barcoding is a method of species identification using a short section of DNA from a specific group of genes. These gene regions are chosen because they differ from the same region in other groups. This is important to remember when we get to Epigenetics, authenticity, authentic leadership, and our spiritual barcode. More about this in a next article.
The question is, how do we harness the power and potential of Epigenetics? The answer is easy, we upgrade our genetic barcode. We hit the reset button, reboot, reroute and recover our original DNA success blueprint. You will find out how to do this in all the upcoming courses, books, webinars, and masterclasses provided by the Academy for Authentic Living and Leading (AALL).[xi].
Changing our genetic barcode
When we change our mindset, heart-set, and value system, it causes a genetic shift. This causes a change in the genetic make-up and becomes visible in the expression of the new genetic code. This means that we can mindfully and consciously recover our original DNA success blueprint while upgrading our DNA barcode. The new barcode opens new doors and opportunities to ultimate success. Below you find different forms of barcoding. In a next article, we will especially focus on our color barcodes. So, remember this here.

The DNA code can be depicted as any one of the current forms of barcodes we know. Just imagine, a new genetic barcode that opens the doors to new levels of health, wealth, happiness, success, and prosperity, is emerging as we speak. This is enough to blow your mind. More about this later.
Genetic barcode of the authentic self.
Here we find that that genetic barcode of activated, connected, spiritually inclined people, is different from discontented, dysfunctional spiritually, blunted, even dysfunctional people. In short – the genetic barcode of the authentic self differs from the genetic barcode of the shadow ego-self. This means that these two parts of self are not on the same wavelength. No wonder that they clash. More about our original DNA barcode later.
We all have work to do
No one of us is fully connected - yet. It is part of being human and living in a physical body. We all still have work to do.
The questions are, how do we harness this power and potential in our everyday lives? How does it influence leaders, leadership, and leadership positions?
The integration of science and spirituality
The scientific facts about DNA and Epigenetics are also spiritual facts. Here we find science and spirituality coming together. This is the truth about our interconnectedness - our oneness.
Changing ourselves – influencing others
We can use these facts to make a difference. If one person like you and me changes, we can influence, not only those who are near and dear to us but also the whole of humanity. You can change the global community, by just changing yourself for the better, just where you are and in what you are doing.
All that is necessary is a new mindset, with new skills and tools. We also need a whole new intelligence - Power Intelligence (PI). Power Intelligence is the intelligence of the future. More about this in a next article.
How does Epigenetics influence our lives?

Just as you can influence others on a genetic level, so can they influence you. You only have one of two choices. Or you are aligned with and tuned into the frequency of love, compassion, authentic living, and leading and all who share this frequency and move forward and upward – or not.
If not, you can also be aligned with and tuned into the frequency of the shadow ego-self. You then share the mindset, heart-set, and values of shadow ego-dwellers that include arrogance, conflict, lies, cheating, self-service, and abuse. This will secure a sure demise and self-destruction in the end. But. as said - it's a choice. Choose wisely - your life depends on it.
How do others influence us?
Remember, just as you have the power to influence others, so they have the power to influence you. You need to choose what influences you are going to allow into your life. This calls for a high level of awareness, mindful and conscious authentic living, and self-mastery. Few have reached this level. The call is now for authentic leaders to stand up and take in their place.
This brings us to the question of the emerging of new authentic leaders.
Leadership training and brain blindness
For many years I lectured at leading universities in Organisational Psychology, specialising in leadership. At that time the flavor of the month was 'leadership perspectives'. After my year-long sickbed, I returned to the university with a whole new mindset and skill set.
Unfortunately, I found that the academics were closed to any other view or new perspective where leadership and leadership training was concerned. The reason was ignorance, an ego-driven profession, arrogance, but mostly paradigm blindness. Brain blindness is one of our greatest downfalls. This is why I decided to quit my post and leave the academic world. This body of work will be available to the public through the Academy for Authentic Living and Leading. You won't find this anywhere else.
Academic confusion

The truth is that a multi-billion-dollar leadership development profession with all its theories and perspectives mostly caused overwhelming confusion. There was no real definition of leadership and every ego-driven academic had their own version of what leadership should look like. Noone, to my knowledge, asked for the truth. The ruth is - most leaders were and still are lost. The world was and still is in turmoil.
A world in turmoil
This was even a topic at an International Leadership Convention. A confirmation that leadership perspectives and training initiatives had failed to deliver fundamental transformation and were on the wrong track. Billions were and still are invested in a path that goes nowhere.
A necessary phase
Personally, I feel this phase in leadership development, was necessary and had to take place. The reason is that now that we know what doesn't work, we can start implementing what does and will work, thereby securing a prosperous new future that benefits all.
Quaternary Education
We can expect that, as open-minded educators and academics become aware of the genetic shift and quantum leap, that new courses including Genetic Psychology, will begin to infiltrate the mainstream education system. We are currently moving to quaternary education. More about this in a next article.
The genetic shift and authentic leadership
Now the genetic shift is even influencing leaders, leadership positions, and leadership influence. The word 'leader' comes from the Latin leido meaning, to show the way. There are only one of two possibilities.
Authentic leadership
An authentic leader comes from their connected, centred, grounded, authentic self and focuses on the vision of ultimate success. They use Epigenetics to connect to and call in their tribe. More about authentic leadership later.
The shadow ego-leader
On the other hand, leaders can and do come from their disconnected, shadow ego-self. This part of self is disconnected, unbalanced, ungrounded, corrupt, and invested in self-service and self-preservation. They call in their disconnected followers while brainwashing them with delusions, lies, and deceit. The mindless masses then follow without thinking of the consequences.
Letting go, cutting loose, and fixing.
The fact is, whoever, you follow and support, will reflect who you are, where you are coming from, and where you are going. From now on we can expect a major shift in leadership and leadership development as the old falls away and the new genetic barcode emerges.
This calls for a whole new approach to leadership training and development. Cutting loose and replacing shadow ego-driven leaders, while cleaning up the mess they created, are some of the major issues that now need to be attended to.
We will take a closer look at developing new leaders in the upcoming series on authentic leadership. This will also include how to use Epigenetics in aligning management, developing upcoming leaders and successors, team building, and genetic resilience training for staff members. Stay connected.
Different paths – different outcomes.

The authentic leader leads to health, wealth, happiness, success, and prosperity that benefits all. The shadow ego-leader is just a place keeper waiting for an authentic leader to stand up, take over their position and clean up the mess they made. In the end, the shadow ego-self will turn in on itself and self-destruct. Unfortunately, this doesn't come about without a struggle and even severe damage. At the moment we have a lot of cleaning up to do.
That’s it. Truth and authenticity are not complicated. It is us as human beings living the shadow ego-self, that complicate everything.
The question is, how do we harness the power of Epigenetics in life and leadership?
How to harness the power of Epigenetics
Here are a few tips. See upcoming training, courses, and development programs.
Make an assessment of your, physical health, mental health, emotional wellbeing, and spiritual wellbeing. Ask, what needs to change? How, and why do you need to change?
Make an assessment of who is currently in your life, personally, professionally, socially, academically, spiritually, religious, sport? Etc…Ask, are they authentic people or shadow ego-dwellers? You will know the difference between who brings love and compassion and who engenders fear and negativity. How do they influence you? How can you influence them? Who should stay? Who should go? Should you stay or go? Why?
Clean up and clean out your life, career, social life. Contact us if you need help.
Redefine yourself. Redesign your future. contact us if you need help.
Start just where you are with what you have. Remember ‘ultimate success’ says you already have everything you need or access to what you need, at your disposal.
Open your heart mind, soul, and spirit, for the influx of new energy.
Be prepared to let go of the old – upgrade to the new.
Accept not everyone is going to make the shift at the same time and in the same way.
Stay mindful and conscious of the power of Epigenetics.
Stay mindful and harness the power of the merging of our new DNA success barcode.
Be open to reading new books.
Attend new courses, workshops, and webinars.
Protect yourself from the negativity of shadow ego-dwellers. Walk away if necessary.
Share your new awareness and positivity.
Remember, not everyone (shadow ego-self) wants to hear this message. You might find resistance, even direct opposition. The shadow ego-self doesn't go quietly.
Don’t struggle. Relax and let go.
Remember, you don’t have to do it alone.
Contact us for help and support and enroll in coaching programs.
You can start with the special masterclass you can access here. Find out who coaches who? It’s free.
Remember, you don't need to do it all at once. Just start with one step. Do one thing at a time. The moment you make one shift it dominoes through everything and everyone. This is the power of Epigenetics. How amazing is that!
If you ever wanted to make a difference and leave a legacy, then is the way to do it.
Call to action
Become part of the solution by starting here and now.
Special Masterclass. As a special bonus, you find the masterclass, Self-Coaching. Who coaches WHO? that includes your personal worksheet, available here. Yes, it’s free (for now). Enjoy. Download your worksheet here. After you have completed your questions, watch the presentation here. It will be available until the end of the weekend.
Subscribe for your Daily Power Tools for Power People here
Book a free coaching session on our website here
Read the series of short books on authentic living and leading here
Book a coaching package by sending us an email info@powerintelligence.net
Subscribe for our monthly newsletter containing all the latest on books, courses, webinars, masterclasses, and the Academy for Authentic living and leading.
Read the previous articles in the Self-coaching series. Also available on the website.
Self-coaching 1. Self-coaching. 5 Reasons why people are addicted to negativity and how to solve it.
Self-coaching 2. 4 Reasons we sabotage ourselves and how to turn it around.
Self-coaching 3. Self-coaching. What is it and why is it so important now?
Self-coaching 4. How to use the Genetic Shift to boost your life, relationships, finances, and future.
Self-coaching 5. Understanding the genetic shift and how it influences you
Self-coaching 6. How to use the Power Shift to your advantage.
Self-coaching 7. How to climb the new ladder of success
Self-coaching 8: Nine must-have Power Tools to secure next-level success
Self-coaching 9. How to sharpen your must-have POWER TOOLS to maintain an advantage
Self-coaching 10. What is ULTIMATE SUCCESS and how to maintain it in life and leadership.
Book your in-house Authentic Leadership development courses in advance. Send email to, infor@powerintelligence.net.
Book in-house HR development courses that include Genetic Resilience in Action.
Contact us if you need any help by sending an email to info@powerintelligence.net
Our next article, Epigenetics 2, is all about how to harness the power of our new DNA barcode and secure ultimate success that benefits everyone.
Until next time
Stay safe and stay connected.
Brenda Hattingh
· See the website for more info.
· Book an exciting speaker for your next event. Email info@powerintelligence.net
· Book Dr. Brenda for Authentic leadership, genetics resilience Resilience, and Ultimate
Success Training for your company.
References [i] Hattingh, Brenda. (2021, a.) New Success DNA. What is it and how to develop it. Currency
Communications, Pty. Ltd.: Johannesburg [ii] What is Epigenetics?. https://www.cdc.gov/genomics/disease/epigenetics.htm [iii] The Human genome project: https://www.genome.gov/human-genome-project [iv] Hattingh, Brenda. (2019). Authentic living. Recovering your DNA success-blueprint.
Currency Communications. Pty. Ltd.; Johannesburg. [v] See the series of authentic living and leading. Available here. [vi] Various books are now available on the website or amazon.com [vii] Intelligence comes from two words; ‘intel’ meaning between ‘two or more’ and ‘ligence’
meaning ‘to choose’. [viii] Epigenetics: https://www.cdc.gov/genomics/disease/epigenetics.htm [ix] See Epigenetics. https://www.cdc.gov/genomics/disease/epigenetics.htm [x] Genetic barcoding: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNA_barcoding [xi] The Academy for Authentic Living and Leading will be available to the public from 01 Oct 2021. Copyright All rights reserved © Dr. Brenda Hattingh. 2021. oooo0ooo