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Epigenetics 2. How to manage people who cannot make the genetic shift.

Dr. Brenda Hattingh

EPIGENETICS 2. How to manage people and groups who cannot make the shift

The exciting adventure of the genetic shift, emerging DNA success-blueprint[i], and the influence of Epigenetics in life and leadership, is creating a new awareness. A new level of consciousness is emerging. Humanity is taking the leap to authentic living and leading.

The aim of these articles

Initially, the aim of these articles was and still is, to bring this new cutting-edge information to the everyday person, like you and me, in a format that is understandable and accessible.

The hope is to not only make it practical but to also empower people, especially leaders, to implement it in their lives, businesses, communities, academic institutes, and even their governments.

This will not only solve many of our current issues, like corruption but will also contribute to creating a new level of ultimate success that benefits all.

Although the original plan was to publish articles from the research and books already published, it is the questions people are now asking, that are inspiring articles.

Senior management

One of these questions comes from Ari. Ari sent an email. “Hi, Brenda, thanks for this interesting information. I am part of the senior management team of a large company. We recently had a management planning session to review what should be done in 2022 and beyond. I suggested that leaders and senior management need to be introduced to the information on the genetic shift and the influence in our personal lives, business, and leadership so that we not only keep up to date personally – but stay ahead as a company. Everyone was excited to learn more – accept our CEO. He blocked any further discussion on this topic. What do we do?


This article answers Ari’s question. The hope is that it will bring a deeper understanding of the challenges we are faced within an ever-changing world.

The questions are, why will some people move with the waves of change while others will stay behind? How do we manage those individuals and/or groups who cannot and/or will not make the shift? What influence does Epigenetics have in the process?

Self-coaching and the authentic self

In Self-coaching[ii] series we not only focused on the genetic shift and the merging DNA success-blueprint but we also found that we have two parts of self. On the one hand, we find a connected, real-me, authentic self that aims at becoming fully functional while creating a quality life of ultimate success. The foundation of the authentic self is honesty, truth, integrity, authenticity, health, wealth, happiness, and ultimate success that benefits all.

The shadow ego-self

On the other hand, we have a disconnected shadow ego-self with the main aim of survival and self-service. Here we find that the foundation is insecure and inundated with falsehoods, lies, deceits, delusion, corruption, survival, and resistance. The result is anxiety and fear that immediately cause resistance and defense mechanisms to spring into action. The shadow ego-self will block everything and everyone bringing new information, skills, and tools that challenge their comfort zones and the status quo. They have to learn that the real threat is within. Mare about this in a next article.

Once again the question, how do we manage this?

Einstein said, ‘You cannot bring about change by force - only by understanding.’

Bring understanding

The more we understand where people are coming from, the easier it is to bring bout positive change. You meet people just where they are and then take them to where they need to go. From the previous articles, we now know where we are heading and that is authenticity and ultimate success. . Now the challenge is to show the way[iii]. However, first, you need to walk the path yourself. This is what authentic leadership[iv] is all about.

The shadow ego-self is threatened

The genetic shift, which is a paradigm shift and a quantum leap, is a leap to authenticity. It not only brings a whole new mindset, with new structures, skills, and tools - it threatens the existence of the shadow ego-self that thrives on the make-believe world of delusion. The anxiety and resistance arise out of fear that the shadow ego-self will lose control.

This can cause severe damage to a person’s personal growth and development. At the same time, the resistance and negativity tarnish relationships and inhibit the functioning of teams, companies, organisations, and even a country. This all needs to be managed appropriately to secure progress.

Denial, fight, or flight

In the beginning, people who feel threatened by the influx of the new can choose to ignore the whole process. Denial becomes part of survival.

However, as the waves of change gain momentum and the new moves from the outside and challenges the core of structures on the inside, a person can, or fall out of the whole system and/or go on the attack. This is the stage where fight and flight reactions are activated. At the same time, it is a give-away of where these persons are coming from. It doesn’t help to challenge people who are in denial, fight or flight mode. It only heightens their fear and anxiety levels. The solution is to use the power tool of a new vision.

Who will stay behind?

It is important to understand that all persons grow and develop at their own pace and according to their ability, potential, and self-structure. Change is sometimes difficult for some and sometimes even impossible. It is therefore not possible to take all people along on the path of change, growth, and development at the same time and at the same pace.

The question is, how can we identify these persons, manage them, and understand why they can’t and/or don't take part in the growth, development, and positive change?

The following characteristics inhibit a person’s ability to change.

• People with rigid, perfectionist personalities

These people find it difficult, even impossible, to go through the chaos and pain of change. Their inner stability and security depend on maintaining order in the outside world. Their feeling safe is directly related to the structure, order, and stability in their existing circumstances. They avoid and resist any change in order not to be subjected to chaos and uncertainty it brings.

• People with personal problems and an identity crisis

People with a lot of personal problems, unresolved issues, and baggage, find it difficult to move. They are primarily focused on solving their problems and maintaining their shadow ego-self life of delusion. They are in survival mode and already struggle to keep things afloat. Little energy is left for growth, development, and transformation – let alone a quantum leap.

They are people who do not know who they truly are and find it difficult to define where they are going. The main aim is to survive in the here and now. Anything new is blocked out as it could make them feel overwhelmed, inadequate, and even incompetent.

• People who are anxious and feel intimidated

These people experience a lot of anxieties, threats, and are afraid of mistakes. It sometimes takes them a lifetime to assert themselves within a specific context of life. Sometimes it takes still longer to feel safe. It is unlikely that they would take part in anything else but trying to feel safe.

• Arrogant people

Arrogant people are over-invested in their own importance. Their exaggerated pride and obsession with their own achievements result in them not changing. The reason is that change has a zero effect and they will need to leave the old all behind. In the next article, we will discuss the zero effect of the quantum leap and genetic shift.

• Self-centred people

Many people are primarily ego-centred. The shadow ego-self is self-serving and self-important. The well-being and development of other people are of little or no importance to them. Selfish people will not make any changes if it threatens their egos and/or comfort zones. They would rather resist any change and/or fight the new ideas and the bearers thereof to save face.

At the same time, they will defend and maintain their delusional lives and comfort zone. They would rather sacrifice other people, laws, systems, and structures, to maintain their ego-identity and their perspective. To change would mean a diminishing or even loss of the ego-self and therefore a loss of power, especially power over people.

• People without the intellectual ability to change

Change demands certain insights and intellectual abilities. Some people do not possess these abilities and therefore cannot take part in the process of change. They passively do as they are told. They blindly follow a leader. These are our 'passengers' who are in it for the ride and go with the flow. On the other hand, they can actively sabotage change and the new paradigm just to camouflage their ignorance and/or lack of mental ability.

• Saboteurs or executioners

Saboteurs are people inside or outside structures who believe there is only one right way, and that is their way. They feel threatened by the new information and the people who accept the challenge and begin to change and move. All the negative results of a paradigm shift manifest in these people (see next article). An 'execution' occurs when new ideas, solutions, and strategies and the initiators thereof, are hypercritically judged, condemned en even 'executed'. The 'executioner is a person who does not hesitate to hurt people, socially embarrass them, and even damage careers.

They also use different methods and strategies to keep the new information out of the system. Remember, the reason is anxiety and fear. The more we know about why people are saboteurs, the better we can manage their influence and even turn it around.

We can identify resistant people by gaining a deeper understanding of the strategies many of them use to keep the new information out.

Strategies people use to block change

  • Denial

As said, many people hide behind the defense mechanism of denial. They can or keep denial as a coping mechanism forever. Thet can also block opportunities to be exposed to the power of the paradigm shift. Just think about what Galileo went through when he tried to convince people, especially scientific and religious leaders, that our planet was round. Today we still find people who believe that our planet is flat. Here we learn that ignorance is not bliss.

  • Downplay

Once the reality sets in that the new information is here to stay, a person can begin to downplay the importance thereof. Negating, talking down to, and even trying to nullify the new information and the bearers thereof, form part of the strategy to get out of the situation of accepting responsibility. This is not only applicable to individuals but also to high-profile leaders.

An example is former US President, Donald Trump who downplayed the severity of the Covid-19 pandemic, made fun of the researchers, and questioned the integrity of the World Health Organization (WHO). In the end, the Covid pandemic turned out to be much worse than we could have ever imagined. Early action could have saved many lives.

  • Diversion and making fun

Another mechanism the shadow ego-self uses to escape reality is to make fun of people and/or turn the situation into a drama and/or a circus. Jokes, name-calling, stereotyping, and insulting people involved, form part of the defense mechanisms. This diverts attention away from the truth and the real issue at hand.

  • Labeling and pigeonholes

Other methods of diversion are to label, depersonalize and even pigeonhole a person and/or project. We found numerous conspiracy theories concerning the Covid-19 vaccination program, flooding social media. The reason once again is ignorance, anxiety, and fear. The dynamics are that the inherent, unidentified fear that many people experience within, gets projected onto anything and/or anyone new, without. This alleviates the inner stress. Unfortunately, it contaminates the hearts and minds of the innocent and causes damage. It is like one bad apple contaminating the whole barrel.

  • Rationalising

In many cases the resistance to change, transformation, and transcendence, can cause countless hours of mind-games, power games, rationalizing, debating, aimless discussions of opinions, assumptions, and perspectives without getting anywhere constructive. This becomes a feeding ground for the shadow ego-selves. Rationalising is usually used as a method to escape emotional deficiencies and problems. People are then all in their heads.

The facts and the truth are usually kept off the table.

Not only is this a waste of time, but it is also exhausting. However, sometimes it could be a necessary process to help people to get over their anxiety and come to grips with the facts.

  • Ostracizing

People with new ideas usually get "crucified" and ostracized by judgmental persons. There is no chance of positive, constructive criticism or healthy opposition. They are found within structures like the family, marriage, company, school, religions, political parties, academic and cultural institutions, companies, organizations, and on an international level. Because shadow ego-dwellers constantly feel threatened, they are usually are or on the attack and/or defense.

  • Attack

They usually try to cope with change and the new paradigm with negativity, threats, accusations, attacks, judgment, denial, and aggression. These people feel uncomfortable in a positive, happy, uplifting situation of growth and development. They are usually addicted to negativity.

Causing damage

People who passively or actively resist positive change and development can and do cause a lot of personal and organisational damage. It sometimes takes a long time to get rid of malicious and harmful people, groups, or organisations and their harmful influence. They are sometimes removed from the system at high personal, organizational, and even financial costs.

Once outside the system, they could still pose a threat by trying to gain access to the structures once more. They also find it difficult to move on. In essence – they are stuck. Yes, some could get unstuck. However, some stay in this stuck position of resistance and denial, till the end.


In the article Epigenetics 1, we found that the environment can influence our DNA expression and vice versa. We can even change the genetic expression of our DNA code by upgrading our mindset, heart-set, values, skills, and tools. The truth is, it is part of our nature to constantly move to the next level.

The genetic upgrade and survival

This is not only important for our progress, but it is imperative for our personal survival and the survival of humanity. Genetic migration, recovering our original DNA success-blueprint, Epigenetics, and all that the genetic shift entails, have one, and only one major fundamental aim and that is – the survival of the fittest.

Programmed for ultimate success

Everything has been preprogrammed, coded, and aligned for peak functionality and ultimate success. This is the universal benchmark of Creation. Anything less than peak performance causes people and projects to fall short along the way. They then can or do become extinct.

Peak performance

However, peak performance looks from the perspective of the shadow ego-self as from the point of view of the authentic self. The shadow ego-self needs to struggle. For the authentic self peak performance and ultimate success comes with effortless ease. This is how it was designed and programmed to function. It’s all about flow.

The constant upgrade to meet the needs of the time is not only about success, it is all about the survival of the fittest.

Ultimate success or extinction

In the article on ultimate success, we found that we can achieve this level of quality living with effortless ease. It is all about becoming and staying fully functional while recovering our original, authentic DNA success blueprint.

The calls for the ability to travel light, to think on your feet, and to change, transform, grow, develop, and transcend at an ever-accelerating pace. Not only does this secure the survival of the fittest, but it also protects individuals, groups, communities, businesses, companies, and organisations, from becoming extinct.

This also calls for authentic leadership and the ability to overcome the downward draught of negative people who resist growing, changing, and moving to the next level. More about authentic leadership in the next series.

Where do you stand?

The question is, after reading this article and/or the series of articles, where do you and I stand? How many of the resistance strategies and defense mechanisms are present in our lives? The challenge is to first overcome our own inner blockages and then help others. No, age is not an issue. People are - and that is of any age.

In the process, you will emerge as an authentic leader and will make the significant difference you know you were called for and always wanted to make.

How to manage people and/or groups resistant to change

We need to remember that people who resist, sabotage, handicap, and/or deliberately inhibit any new ideas, transformation, and growth – are anxious, fearful people. Although they try to sabotage new ideas and the initiators of the new thinking, it doesn’t stop the progress. Their resistance, reactions, and strategies are however like sand in the wheels of change.

It is, therefore, crucial to identify, rehabilitate, council, and/or coach, resistors in time before they cause any damage. The other option is to remove them from the system at an early stage of the new process to secure progress.

A major issue is a problem like Ari’s. What if it is your boss, the CEO, the Professor, the dad, mom, pastor, preacher, minister, or even the president of a country, who is the sand in the wheels of change? The answer is, you need to take the lead - just where you are.

We will focus on this answer in more detail, in the next article.

Result of resistance to positive change

Because their self-serving systems have self-destruction as a default, resistors eventually cause their own downfall and will find themselves as outcasts from the mainstream of life. They usually live outside the structures where they can do the least damage, sometimes as angry, embittered people.

The question is: What should we do about these people? The answer is,

  • Identify who they are at a very early stage

  • Remember, the longer they are left unattended, the more damage they can cause, especially if we are talking about leaders in powerful positions.

  • Implement strategies to help people overcome their fears. Remember, the shadow ego-self is very fragile.

  • Love, compassion, and understanding have always worked wonders for me when facilitating change and transformation in groups, teams, and companies.

  • Help people grow and develop in the new mindset.

  • If need be, just accept who they are and that they will always be with us. t

  • If nothing else helps works – let go, walk away, and move on.

  • Lead by example.

James Lundy[v] identifies three fundamental positions when he says:

"Lead, follow, or get out of the way."

Start with yourself. You can influence the functioning of the family, group, team, and the whole, from where you are, with what have, and with what you are doing, by using the power of Epigenetics. Just start.

A call to action. Be part of the shift.

Become part of the solution by starting here.

  • Special Masterclass. As a special bonus, you find the masterclass, Self-Coaching. Who coaches WHO? that includes your personal worksheet, available here. Yes, it’s free (for now). Enjoy. Download your worksheet here. After you have completed your questions, watch the presentation here. It will be available until the end of the weekend.

  • Book in-house training and coaching sessions for management and staff.

  • Subscribe for your Daily Power Tools for Power People here

  • Book a free coaching session on our website here

  • Read the series of short books on authentic living and leading here

  • Book a coaching package by sending us an email info@powerintelligence.

  • Subscribe for our monthly newsletter containing all the latest on books, courses, webinars, masterclasses, and the Academy for Authentic Living and Leading.

  • Read the previous Self-coaching series. Also available on the website.

Self-coaching 1. Self-coaching. 5 Reasons why people are addicted to negativity and how to solve it.

Self-coaching 2. 4 Reasons we sabotage ourselves and how to turn it around.

Self-coaching 3. Self-coaching. What is it and why is it so important now?

Self-coaching 4. How to use the Genetic Shift to boost your life, relationships, finances, and future.

Self-coaching 5. Understanding the genetic shift and how it influences you

Self-coaching 6. How to use the Power Shift to your advantage.

Self-coaching 7. How to climb the new ladder of success

Self-coaching 8: Nine must-have Power Tools to secure next-level success

Self-coaching 9. How to sharpen your must-have POWER TOOLS to maintain an advantage

Self-coaching 10. What is ULTIMATE SUCCESS and how to maintain it in life and leadership.

  • Contact us if you need any help by sending an email to

Our next article is about the positive influence of the genetic shift and quantum leap and how to harness all this power and potential.

Till next time

Stay safe and stay connected.

Brenda Hattingh

  • See the website for more info.

  • Book an exciting speaker for your next event. Email

  • Book Dr. Brenda for Resilience and Ultimate Success Training for your company.

REFERENCES. [i] Hattingh, Brenda. (2012, a.) New Success DNA. What is it and how to develop it. Currency Communications. Pty. Ltd.: Johannesburg. [ii] See series of books: Authentic Living and Leading See Self-coaching articles. Available on the website. Self-coaching 1. Self-coaching. 5 Reasons why people are addicted to negativity and how to solve it. Self-coaching 2. 4 Reasons we sabotage ourselves and how to turn it around. Self-coaching 3. Self-coaching. What is it and why is it so important now? Self-coaching 4. How to use the Genetic Shift to boost your life, relationships, finances, and future. Self-coaching 5. Understanding the genetic shift and how it influences you. Self-coaching 6. How to use the Power Shift to your advantage. Self-coaching 7. How to climb the new ladder of success. Self-coaching 8: Nine must-have Power Tools to secure next-level success. Self-coaching 9. How to sharpen your must-have POWER TOOLS to maintain the advantage. Self-coaching 10. What is ULTIMATE SUCCESS and how to maintain it in life and leadership. [iii] ‘Lead’ comes from the Latin word, leido which means – ‘to show the way’. [iv] Hattingh, Brenda. (2020) Authentic Leadership. How to recover your DNA leadership-blueprint. Currency Communications. Pty.Ltd.; Johannesburg. [v] Lundy, James.1993. Lead, follow, or get out of the way. Pfeiffer & Co. New York. Copyright. All rights reserved. © 2021. Dr Brenda Hattinh. ooo0ooo



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Dr. Brenda Hattingh

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