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Authentic Leadership 5. How to identify and master the Great Destructor -Your EGO.

Dr. Brenda Hattingh

Updated: Nov 15, 2021


Humanity is at a crossroads. Only one of two options are possible. On the one side, we have the path of authenticity as encoded in our original DNA blueprint[i]. On the other side, we have a corrupt version of self, the shadow ego-self that emerged out of the disconnection, misinformation, lies, false images, and delusion.

This means we have two paths to choose from

The path of authenticity

The path of authenticity is encoded as our authentic self and leads to health, wealth, happiness, success, and prosperity that benefits everyone. This is all encoded as our barcode to success in our DNA that is found in the cells of our bodies. In essence, we are walking, breathing, living, powerhouses of happiness and success.

So, what went wrong? We became disconnected.

The path of the shadow ego-self

The path of the shadow ego-self is a path of self-destruction. Built on lies, pain, anger, fear, and misinformation, it has also created a delusional world of its own. This world contains a false image of what is real including success and what happiness is all about.

Today we see destruction, conflict, pollution, poverty, illness, pandemics, anger, fear, and corruption as part of this world. Most people think this is real. They accept this as their reality. They set out to solve the so-called problem by struggling with the symptoms. This proves to be futile.

The truth is we can change this all back to its original DNA success blueprint. We have the power to turn the world downside up. And, it is time.

At the moment we are experiencing fundamental, radical change – a quantum leap. It is the dawning of a new season of human existence. transformation is taking place right down to a DNA level. A new DNA success blueprint is emerging. Humanity is undergoing a genetic shift, a genetic make-over as a DNA upgrade. Our challenge is to harness all this new power and use the genetic shift to our advantage.

Nothing will ever be the same again.


Unfortunately, the moment there is a rumble of change, this false platform, and image of the shadow ego-self, starts to crumble. Implosion and destruction are inevitable. It is from this destructive force we need to save ourselves and others. Our survival depends on us being able to identify and master our egos.

The questions are, how do we identify our shadow ego-self? What must we do to master our egos? How do we secure a prosperous future?

Question 1: How do we identify our shadow ego-self?

The answer to this question is that we first need to become self-aware. The moment you become of your authentic self; it shines a light on the shadow ego-self.

However. This will not go without a battle. The ego is a hard taskmaster and will not easily give up its position of power, control, and manipulation in your life.

  • Become self-aware

The more you raise the level of consciousness and the more self-aware you become, the more you can distinguish between the real you and the synthetic image. You can also identify where others are coming from.

The more you learn about who your shadow ego-self is, where it comes from, how your shadow ego-self was formed, how it functions, and the problems it causes in your life, the more you are equipped to master this destructive force, not only in yourself but also in others.

  • Redefining who you really are

The more you can answer the question, “Who am I?” the more clarity you will get. This calls for a whole process of redefining who you are, if necessary. This includes being able to identify the difference between the sound, voice, and information coming from the shadow ego-self. On the other hand, you will learn to identify the choice of the authentic self. The challenge is to identify where they are coming from and mindfully take control of the process. This is not only called self-mastery but also called ‘loving yourself’.

There are books and courses available on the website to help you on the journey of authentic self-discovery. Actually, it would be more correct to say, authentic self-recovery.

  • Daily Power Tools for Power People

One of our most powerful tools is the Daily Power Tools for Power People delivered to your inbox. It not only contains all the necessary information your will need for the day, but it also gives you a clear picture of the shadow egos-elf you might be faced with throughout the day. It gives suggestions on how to manage this dynamic, not only within yourself but also in others.

See the example of what you will get, below. Subscribe for your Daily Power Tools for Power People here. It’s free. See an example of what you are going to get on the right.

Questions 2: What must we do to master our ego?

There is a general way to master the destructive force of the shadow ego-self and then there is a personal journey we all have to undertake in this process.

  • General mastery of our egos

This level of self-mastery is important to every one of us. The reason is that we all have a disconnected part - a shadow ego-self. This comes with being human. We also inherit this disconnection from our family bloodline. We have to make the 'sins of the fathers/mothers, visited unto the children', undone.

At the same time, we pick up on the atmosphere, mindset, values, and beliefs, of our culture, our religion, education, political climate, ecological environment, social circumstances, and global conditions. We get programmed to think and believe in a certain way.

We subconsciously keep these programs, thoughts, feelings, and beliefs, in place just to be accepted and/or to stay safe. The problem, even the danger is, that not all these programs are true. Many of these programs are from the shadow egos-elf and are handed down from one generation to another.

· Inner conflict

This can and does cause serious inner conflict when you realise that you were programmed with erroneous family, religious, political, social, and/or global information. How do you break free? How do your leave your family, your religion, social and/or political beliefs behind without feeling guilty and/or feeling like a traitor?

The truth is, you need to get over this inner conflict in order to move forward. The only other option is of course to revert back to the old and stay stuck. We all have to make this choice.

Now we are challenging all our previous programming. We are now asking one question, and one question only, what is the truth? The Truth sets us free. This is the path of authentic living and leading.

The time has come to:

  • Stop

  • Hit the reset button.

  • Connect to our authentic self.

  • Become aware of the destructive force of the shadow ego-self.

  • Choose to master this destructive force.

  • Learn more about who you are – then you will see others in the right light.

  • Unlearn false programming from the past.

  • Recalibrate your inner guidance and recalibrate your inner GPS.

  • Have compassion and understanding for those who are still controlled by their egos.

  • Protect yourself from the destructive influence of the destructive egos of others.

  • Keep growing your self-awareness. It is a spiritual journey at its best.

  • Keep on raising the level of your awareness. Ps. Remember, the shadow ego-self will try to keep you back.

  • Always ask, what is the Truth?

  • Implement the 5 pillars of authenticity. Get, connected, centred, grounded, focused, and inspired.

Personal mastery of our egos

Our shadow ego-self was not only born out of our global, social family, and religious programming but it was also born and formed out of our persona journey. This includes all our personal experiences of life that include all the highs and lows. This means we have two kinds of egos.

· The healed ego

On the one side, we find a healed, whole, and integrated ego. This is the side of self that has developed here on earth according to and in line with the real me authentic blueprint self. The ego resonates with authenticity. to get to this level we not only need to go through a process of recovering our DNA blueprint but also ego-healing.

This means that there little discrepancy between who am as my authentic self and the earthly ego-self you present to the world. It is what you see is what you get.

- Perfect oneness

The healed ego is an example of our striving for perfect unity- oneness, wholeness, holiness. Unfortunately, very few people have reached this stage of oneness here on Earth. As said, just being born into humanity on Mother Earth, we also have a disconnected human and family DNA package/burden to carry.

- Hard work

The reason that the mastery of the ego is so difficult, is because it takes a lot of time and hard work. This includes making all the lies, disconnect, misinformation, fear, anger, and genetic legacy undone.

However, this is part of our purpose and why we are here. another part of our purpose is to master the great destructor – our wounded ego.

The question is, how do we master the great destructor in our own lives and then in others?

· The wounded ego

The truth is, we all have our own burdens to carry. We have all experienced pain, loss, trauma, and destruction in some or another form. If this is not attended to, we develop a wounded ego-self that disrupts, sabotages, and even poisons everything we do. It is from this toxic, corrupt, destructive force we need to heal. This is also the root cause of corruption.

- Corruption

Corruption in all its forms is in essence a mental health issue playing out in different ways and in different forms on the platforms of life. By the time it becomes visible as a crime, the damage is already done. The challenge is to heal corruption if we are to move forward. See the books on Curing Corruption. 7 Things you can do to heal the real pandemic of our time.

See more about the Curing Corruption project on the website. You can also get a free copy of the E-book on the right, here.

The opposite of corruption is authenticity. It's a no-brainer.

- Toxic circumstances

It is the wounded, broken, delusional, toxic, corrupt shadow ego-self that is playing havoc in people's lives. The same is playing out in communities, business, politics, religion, and on global platforms. It is this destructive force we need to master, first in ourselves and then in others.

The good news is - now that e know what the real root problem is - we can solve it. No more superficial treatment of symptoms and window-dressing that waste time, energy, and money and don't deliver lasting results. We can turn this process around.

- Only you can heal your hurting ego

The truth is, only you can heal the broken, bruised, deflated, hurting, lost, hurting, angry, fearful, traumatised, misinformed, disconnected, delusional, fragmented self, that is but a mere shadow of who you truly are. Therefore – the shadow ego-self.

The reason is, that the Creator of heaven and Earth, including humanity, has already given you everything you need to successfully go through this process. Don't look without, The answers lie within. Deeper, higher, and more powerful connections are made within the silent chambers of the heart.

External support can only help you to go within quicker and recover and heal the fragmented parts easier and make the connections sooner. This speeds up the process. so, ask for help. Contact us for our 10-week one-o-on executive coaching packages.

The question is, how do you master the shadow egos-elf? The answer is, you identify and heal it.

- Healing your shadow ego-self

Yes, you heal it. You don’t fight, judge, repress, block out, attack, kill, murder, or ignore your shadow egos-self. The reason is, it is calling out to you and to the world, for help, assistance, for healing, love, and compassion.

You heal the ego by growing. Healing and growing are the different sides of the same coin. You recover your real me authentic self blueprint and you start growing towards it. In the process, healing takes place. Healing leads to wholeness - to holiness.

At the same time, you make the legacy of the past, including the genetic legacy of your biological family, undone. How powerful is that?

The truth is, you now don’t need to feel guilty by leaving your family, religion, society, and culture you were born into, behind. You heal it all by just becoming you. What a service this is to humanity.

- Picking up the pieces

This means we all have a job to do in mastering our shadow ego-self. We all need to go back and pick up the fragmented pieces that got lost, chipped off, broken, bruised, wounded, abused, and battered.

- Restoring our original DNA blueprint

Our challenge is to restore ourselves to our original authentic self, encoded as our DNA blueprint that is the physical microchip of our blueprint held in the heart of the Creator, who created you.

As we embark on this journey of recovering our authentic self, the destructive force of the shadow ego-self starts to dissipate and transform into constructive, uplifting, and creative energy that takes us forward and upward.

This is also how you become an authentic leader that is a new path-finder, map-maker, way-shower, bridgebuilder, and living example of authenticity.

Examples of leaders with unhealed egos include people like Donald Trump, Putin, or Kim Yung-un of North Korea. People who resonate with the unhealed ego-self of such leaders, will follow and support them. People who have gone through healing, enlightenment, and upliftment will oppose their influence.

The sadistic leader

However, there is a fine line between people with wounded egos who are open to healing and people who have no or little conscience at all. These are not only our dark ego leaders but it also includes psychopathic, sadistic people without any mercy. Such a person was Hitler. This also includes terrorists, dictators, and warlords like Idi Amin and others.

  • The dark ego

There is another part of the ego-self and this is the dark ego. It is so disconnected there is no conscience, no compassion, and no remorse. I worked in the Central Prison in maximum security at a time when the country still implemented the death penalty. Sometimes I was the last person a condemned prisoner would talk to. Many went to the gallows with a smile after committing horrendous crimes.

Many of these dark ego-driven souls still wander the corridors of humanity trying to figure out where to strike next. This includes dark egos in governments, defense forces, our research laboratories, business, sport, and even in our religions, our communities, and our homes. The question is what do we do with these people who seem to be immune to rehabilitation.

Nelson Mandela said,

"Man's goodness can be obscured, but never extinguished".

The universal law of Love

Mastering our egos is not only the path of authenticity but also the path of learning to love and be loved. This is how the universal law works, Love God, love self, love others as self.

This leaves nothing more to say. This is All-that-is.

The authentic leader is someone who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way out of the darkness of the world of the shadow ego-self -into the light, This is the journey of authentic living and leading. It is also the journey of the soul.

Become part of this journey here.

  • Start here by making sure you are on our mailing list and receive our monthly newsletter with the latest releases on books, courses, webinars, and training programs.

  • Book your in-house authentic leadership training by sending an email to or contact us for more info.

  • Book a Genetic Make-over for your team, company, organisation, and yourself. We can and do rewrite organisational DNA. Email us for more info.

  • We will shortly be making our in-house training courses and programs available to the public. Make sure you stay connected.

  • The personal exclusive one-on-one 10 weeks Power Intelligence Executive Leadership Course info is only available on request. Send us an email and we will get back to you asap.

  • See interview with Amy Sanders on the rewiring of New Success DNA.

  • See the introduction to authentic living, leading, and self-coaching.

  • Book a speaker. Book an inspiring thought leader as a speaker for your next event and conference by sending an email to

  • Read all the books now available on recovering your DNA success blueprint, here

  • Catch up on the series on Self-coaching

Self-coaching 1. Self-coaching. 5 Reasons why people are addicted to negativity and how to solve it.

Self-coaching 2. 4 Reasons we sabotage ourselves and how to turn it around.

Self-coaching 3. Self-coaching. What is it and why is it so important now?

Self-coaching 4. How to use the Genetic Shift to boost your life, relationships, finances, and future.

Self-coaching 5. Understanding the genetic shift and how it influences you

Self-coaching 7. How to climb the new ladder of success

Self-coaching 8: Nine must-have Power Tools to secure next-level success

Self-coaching 9. How to sharpen your must-have POWER TOOLS to maintain an advantage.

Self-coaching 10. What is ULTIMATE SUCCESS and how to maintain it in life and leadership

  • Catch up on the series of Epigenetics in life and leadership

Epigenetics 1. What is Epigenetics and how to harness this power in life and leadership?

Epigenetics 2. How to manage people who cannot make the genetic shift.

Epigenetics 3. Who will make the Genetic shift and how to join them.

Epigenetics 4. Why the GENETIC SHIFT is causing such a stir and how to manage it.

Epigenetics 5. Do you have the genetic code for ultimate success?

Epigenetics 6. What does religion have to say about the genetic shift?

  • Catch up on the articles, Authentic leadership

Authentic leadership 1. Why current leadership perspectives and training are old-school and what to do

Authentic leadership 2. Who is the authentic leader, and do you qualify?

Authentic leadership 3: Five pillars of authentic living and leading everyone must have

Authentic Leadership 4. Five Reasons why it is crucial for everyone to now develop authenticity.

Coming up

In our next article, we will focus on Authentic leadership 6. A checklist to identify your authentic self and shadow ego-self.

Until then – stay connected and stay safe.

Brenda Hattingh

  • See our website for more info.

  • Contact us



[i] See series, Authentic Living and Leading is available here

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